Fifty-fifth Legislature                                    Government & Elections

First Regular Session                                                   H.B. 2373




(Reference to printed bill)





Strike everything after the enacting clause and insert:

"Section 1. Section 16-131, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:

START_STATUTE16-131. Registration of electors; deputy registrars

A. The county recorder, a justice of the peace or a deputy registrar shall supply, without charge, a registration form to any qualified person requesting registration information.

B. The county recorder shall distribute state mail in registration forms at locations throughout the county such as government offices, fire stations, public libraries and other locations open to the general public.

C. Information regarding the qualifications necessary to register to vote, registration deadlines for qualifying to vote at an election, penalties for false registration and locations where additional voter registration information may be obtained shall be attached to or distributed with the state mail in registration form.

D. A county recorder may appoint deputy registrars to assist in distributing registration forms, to assist in registering voters and to accept completed registration forms. A deputy registrar shall be a qualified elector and shall serve without pay.

E. The county recorder may provide voter registration forms in quantity to groups and individuals that request forms for conducting voter registration drives.  Any person or group who registers ten or more individuals in a rolling calendar year shall obtain a unique identifier from the county in which they are soliciting voter registrations. The person or group shall place that unique identifier on each voter registration form distributed or collected by that person or group regardless of where the form was obtained.END_STATUTE"

Amend title to conform








02:21 PM

H: LG/ra